DECLARE @path VARCHAR(max); DECLARE @root VARCHAR(max); ---- ---------MODIFY QUERY PARAMETERS BELOW, Do not modify anything above this line----------------------------------------- SET @root = 'C:\Truven\ETL03' -- Enter a filepath on the workstation/computer where the Summary Table .txt files are stored. The filepath should be in ' '. This path must exist on the same workstation/computer on which the SQl Server database is installed. USE 'Desired database name' -- The Database into which you are loading summary table data, the database name should be in " " and should be the database name you just created with the "Create Summary Tables" query ---------------------Do not modify anything below this line--------------------------------------------------------------------------- --Create a temporary table that contains all table names to be imported DECLARE @tables TABLE ( ID INT IDENTITY(1,1), TableName VARCHAR(50) ) INSERT INTO @tables(TableName) SELECT ('Age_Groups') UNION ALL SELECT ('Enrollment') UNION ALL SELECT ('Drug_Class') UNION ALL SELECT ('Generic_Name') UNION ALL SELECT ('HCPCS') UNION ALL SELECT ('ICD9_DIAGNOSIS') UNION ALL SELECT ('ICD9_DIAGNOSIS_4_DIGIT') UNION ALL SELECT ('ICD9_DIAGNOSIS_5_DIGIT') UNION ALL SELECT ('ICD9_PROCEDURE') UNION ALL SELECT ('ICD9_PROCEDURE_4_DIGIT') UNION ALL SELECT ('INCIDENT_DRUG_CLASS') UNION ALL SELECT ('INCIDENT_GENERIC_NAME') UNION ALL SELECT ('INCIDENT_ICD9_DIAGNOSIS') ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DECLARE @RowCount INT SET @RowCount = (SELECT COUNT(TableName) FROM @tables) DECLARE @I INT SET @I = 1 ----- Execute loop WHILE (@I <= @RowCount) BEGIN -- Declare variable that will contain table name DECLARE @table VARCHAR(50) -- Determine the current table to modify -- Execute all modifications (delete all rows + bulk import from file to table) SELECT @table = TableName from @tables where ID = @I SET @path = '"' + @root + '\' + @table + '.txt"' PRINT('Deleting all existing rows in ' + @table) EXEC('delete from dbo.' + @table) PRINT('Inserting rows into ' + @table + ' from ' + @path) EXEC('BULK INSERT dbo.' + @table + ' FROM ' + @path + ' WITH (FIELDTERMINATOR =''\t'', ROWTERMINATOR = ''0x0a'', FIRSTROW = 2)') SET @I = @I + 1 END