Transferring DataMart Client Settings to a New Computer

If you need to transfer your DataMart client connection settings to a new computer, perform the following steps:

  1. Navigate to this file path on your old computer: C:\Users\ [username] \AppData\Roaming\PopMedNet\PMN
  2. Copy the NetworkSettings.xml file and save it to a shared drive or a place from which you can access it on a different computer
  3. On your new computer, download the PopMedNet DataMart client. It can be downloaded from this public wiki or from the network query tool on which you work.
  4. Navigate to this file path on your new computer: C:\Users\ [username] \AppData\Roaming\PopMedNet\PMN
  5. Replace the NetworkSettings.xml file in that path with the file you copied from your old computer
  6. Open the DataMart client
  7. Click settings
  8. Click your network, click edit
  9. Enter your credentials for your network
  10. Click Test to ensure you connect succesfully
  11. Click Ok
  12. Your DataMart client settings are now transferred.