Purpose of Use concept (OID = 2.16.840.1.113883.1.11.20448) is an HL7 standard. Effort has been made to use codes derived from standards-based value sets.

Selected codes adhere to ONC Standards and Interoperability Framework Query Envelop which are derived from HL7 value set 2.16.840.1.113883.1.11.20449.

Additional codes included in the Purpose of Use Value Set (codes from http://hl7.org/fhir/v3/ActReason where concept is-a PurposeOfUse) are also available.



TREATTreatmentTo perform one or more operations on information for provision of health care.
HPAYMTHealthcare PaymentTo perform one or more operations on information for conducting financial or contractual activities related to payment for provision of health care.
HOPERATHealthcare OperationsTo perform one or more operations on information used for conducting administrative and contractual activities related to the provision of health care.
HRESCHHealthcare ResearchTo perform one or more operations on information for conducting scientific investigations to obtain health care knowledge.
HMARKTHealthcare MarketingTo perform one or more operations on information for marketing services and products related to health care.
PATRQTPatient RequestedTo perform one or more operations on information in response to a patient's request.
PUBHLTHPublic HealthTo perform one or more operations on information for conducting public health activities, such as the reporting of notifiable conditions.
CLINTRCH Clinical Trial ResearchTo perform one or more operations on information for conducting scientific investigations in accordance with clinical trial protocols to obtain health care knowledge.
PTRPrep-to-ResearchAs of August 2015, a standard code for this value could not be found; this is a local code within PMN.
OBSRCHObservational ResearchAs of August 2015, a standard code for this value could not be found; this is a local code within PMN.
QAQuality Assurance

As of August 2015, a standard code for this value could not be found; this is a local code within PMN.