PopMedNetTM Distributed Query Tool

Release Notes

Based on Release Release Version


Networks UpdatedSentinelPCORnetHDC
Date of Release 



DataMart Client UpdateNot Required

Not Required

Not Required


This release includes bug fixes. The DMC update is optional. However, we recommended this update for data partners who running MDQs.  If data partner does not want to update to 22022.1 they do not have to.



Insert the JIRA filter into the above macro - change "PMN release version" to the current version 

issuetype != Bug AND fixVersion = "PMN Release Version" AND "Include in Release Notes" = Yes ORDER BY created DESC     

Bug Fixes

File Deletion HistoryFixes issue with tracking document deletions for QF Request (i,,e, document name, deletes name, and reason)
Document Revision - DeletionsFixes issue with document revision tracking ensuring that the "RequestDocuments" association is retained.
Low Threshold DisplayFixes issue where data partners running MDQs with threshold value set who run a query with the value above the threshold will no longer create and error. DMC 2022.1 update is required to fix this bug.
QE File DistributionFixes issue with validation of unique cohort names.
User Registration TaskFixes issue to set task to "complete" and remove task from the task panel for a user who has been deleted.
Registration Email Fixes issue to remove postscript message from "Registration Submitted Notification" email.
Comment BoxFixes issue with the comment message "txt comments is required" and system will not allow submission of a comment if nothing is entered in the text field.
Portal Autorun SettingsFixes issues on the Portal removing the autorun settings on the DataMart profile page and the local DataMart checkbox.
Cohort NameFixes issues with cohort name not being unique. Update requires the user to enter a unique name and will display error message "Cohort names must be unique". 
DataMart CodeFixes issues with how a deleted DataMart is referenced within PMN.
Cohort Name MessageFixes spelling error on work validation
Password MessageFixes wording displayed for when the confirm password entered does not match ("Passwords do not match").

issuetype = Bug AND fixVersion = "PMN Release version" AND "Include in Release Notes" = Yes ORDER BY created DESC     

Known Issues