Modular Program Distribution v5.0


Modular Program Distribution

The Modular Program Distribution request model allows you to distribute modular program packages to the network DataMarts. The Modular Program request model provides two request types: Modular Program and Ad Hoc. The request specific criteria for these request types is the same and displayed in the figure to the right.

If data partners upload Modular Program results containing all-run signature files, the signature file information may be automatically read by PopMedNet and displayed on the Request Details page. See below for more information.


Modular Program Distribution Request-Specific Criteria

Composing the Request

To compose a Modular Program Distribution request, click on the New Request button in the Request panel, choose Modular Program Distribution, and then choose the one of the request types. This will display the Request Composer page. 

Files may be uploaded to a Modular Program Distribution request via your local computer or an FTP site. Multiple files may be added to a single request and each file has a size limit of 2GB.


Upload files from your local computer

Follow these steps to upload a file from your computer:

  1.  In the Upload Files panel, click Select Files.
  2. Browse your computer’s folders to find the desired file(s) and click Open.
  3. The panel will display the status of the files that you are attaching. Once they have been successfully uploaded, all files attached to the request will appear below, under "Previously uploaded for this request". Click Remove to remove an uploaded file from your request.

Modular Program Distribution Request Composer Page - Upload Files Panel

Upload files from an FTP site

Follow these steps to upload a file from an FTP site.

The FTP server must have an open port and you must have valid user credentials to connect to the FTP server. Contact your FTP server administrator for help.

  1. In the Upload from FTP panel, enter the following information and click Connect to connect to the FTP server.
    1. Address: the address of the FTP server. Note that this address should not include http:// or https://. 
    2. Port: contact your FTP server administrator for help in locating an open port.
    3. Login: your username for the FTP server.
    4. Password: your password for the FTP server.
  2. The SFTP File Selector dialog displays folders to the left and files to the right. Open a parent folder by clicking on it to display its child files and folders. Select your file(s) by checking the checkboxes next to each one and click Upload Selected Files to upload the file(s) to the Portal.

Ensure that the upload of each file is complete before submitting the request

Modular Program Distribution Request Composer Page - SFTP Credentials Dialog

Modular Program Distribution Request Composer Page - SFTP File Selector Dialog

Viewing Signature File Information 

After the first data partner responds to the request, the Signature File Information panel on the Request Details page will populate with the signature file information that is common across data partners. The figure to the right shows an example of this information.

The table below describes the signature file variables displayed on the Request Details page:





Request ID. Contains MSProjID, MSWPType, MSWPID, and MSVerID


Project ID


Workplan type


Workplan ID

MSVerIDVersion ID
MP3CyclesNumber of cycles of a specific modular program. In this example, the variable for Modular Program 3 is shown.
MP3ScenariosNumber of scenarios of a specific modular program. In this example, the variable for Modular Program 3 is shown.
NumCycleTotal runs across all modular programs contained in the package.
NumScenTotal scenarios across all modular programs contained in the package.


Request Details Page with Signature File Information

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