Changing DataMart Routings v5.0

This documentation references PopMedNet 5.0 +

For version 4.0.3 documentation, please see PopMedNet User's Guide Version 4.0.3

PopMedNet User's Guide

Based on version 5.0

Changing DataMart Routings

Enhanced Investigators may change the DataMart routings after a request has been submitted. Limited Investigators do not have these rights.


Adding or Removing DataMarts from Submitted Requests

Before a request is complete at all DataMarts, you may add or remove DataMarts from the Incomplete Routings panel. You cannot remove a DataMart after it has uploaded results.

To add a DataMart to the request, click Add DataMarts and select the new DataMart from the list of DataMarts that you have the rights to query and click Continue.

To remove a DataMart from the request, select the DataMart from the Incomplete Routings panel and click Remove DataMarts. When a DataMart is removed from a request, it will continue to appear in the Incomplete Routings panel, but with a status of “Canceled.” The DataMart Administrator for that DataMart will still see the request in their DataMart Client, but will not be able to upload results.


Request Detail Page - DataMart Routing Buttons

Resubmitting a Request to a DataMart

After a DataMart has uploaded results, you may resubmit the request to that DataMart. To resubmit the request, select the DataMart and click Resubmit. The DataMart will move to the Incomplete Routings panel, with a status of Resubmitted.

Previously uploaded responses will not be available after resubmitting a request.

Resubmitting a Request

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