Subscribing to Notifications

Notification options allow you to manage notifications that are triggered due to actions performed by you or related to your role. Notifications are sent to the email address associated with your account and are displayed in the Notifications panel on the Portal home page. The Notifications panel on the home page displays all notifications immediately after the action has occurred. 

Notifications Panel

Subscribing to Notifications

  1. From the Query Tool Portal, navigate to your Profile page by clicking the Profile tab.
  2. In the Notifications panel, use the checkboxes to select which notifications to subscribe to.
  3. Use the dropdown boxes to select the email frequency for each notification that you selected. See the table below for descriptions of the email frequencies. 
  4. In version 5.6 and above, frequency is divided into two types. Frequency can be selected for both:
    1. General Notifications: Used to subscribe to notifications for all requests at the level for which you're eligible.
    2. My Notifications (Question Engine Only): Used to subscribe to notifications for an individual request on which you are assigned a role.
  5. Click Save at the bottom of the page to save your selections. 

Email Frequency



Sends an email immediately after the action has occurred.


Batches notification events and sends an email every 24 hours.


Batches notification events and sends an email every 7 days.


Batches notification events and sends an email every 28 days.

Recommended Notifications by Role*

*Depending on your network setup, your role(s) may have more or less notifications than those listed below.

All Users



Notification Frequency

Password Expiration Reminder

Notifies the user that his or her password is about to expire.

One notification per day for 7 days prior to the password expiring. NB: Passwords expire every 6 months.

My Profile Updated

Notifies the user that his or her profile has been updated.

One notification per change.


NotificationDescriptionNotification Frequency
Request Status ChangedNotifies an investigator that the status of his or her request has changed to completed, awaiting approval, or rejected.One notification per change per request.

DataMart Administrators



Notification Frequency

New Request Submitted

Notifies a DataMart Administrator that a new request has been sent to his or her DataMart.

One notification per request.

Routing Status Changed

Notifies a DataMart Administrator that the status of a request in his or her DataMart has changed to completed, awaiting approval, re-submitted, or rejected.

One notification per DataMart per change per request.

Submitted Request Awaits a Response

Notifies a DataMart Administrator that a request is waiting for a response in his or her DataMart.

One notification every 24 hours per DataMart per request awaiting response.

New DataMart Client Version is Available

Notifies a DataMart Administrator that a new DataMart Client version is available on the portal for download and installation.

One notification per DataMart Client update.

DataMart Change

Notifies a DataMart Administrator that a change has been made to his or her DataMart.

One notification per change.

Observers and Enhanced Observers

NotificationDescriptionNotification Frequency
New Request SubmittedNotifies an Observer that a new request has been submitted with a projectOne notification per request
Request Status ChangedNotifies an Observer that the status of a request within a project has changed to completed, awaiting approval, or rejected.One notification per change per request.

Organization Administrators

NotificationDescriptionNotification Frequency
Organization ChangeNotifies an Organization Administrator that a change has been made to his or her Organization

One notification per change.

DataMart ChangeNotifies an Organization Administrator that a change has been made to his or her DataMartOne notification per change.

Response Reviewer/Group DataMart Administrators

NotificationDescriptionNotification Frequency
New Request SubmittedNotifies a Response Reviewer/Group DataMart Administrator that a new request has been sent to his or her group’s DataMarts.

One notification per request.

Routing Status ChangedNotifies a Response Reviewer/Group DataMart Administrator that the status of a request in his or her group’s DataMart has changed to completed, awaiting approval, re-submitted, or rejected.

One notification per DataMart per change per request.

Submitted Request Awaits a ResponseNotifies a Response Reviewer/Group DataMart Administrator that a request is waiting for a response in his or her group’s DataMart.

One notification every 24 hours per DataMart per request awaiting response.

Uploaded Result Needs ApprovalNotifies a Group DataMart Administrator that a response from his or her group’s DataMart awaits approval on the portal. One notification per DataMart per request.