PopMedNet User's Guide

Based on version 2021.1 and above

The DataMart Client requires the following software in order to function:

Windows 10/Windows Server 2016 or later and Microsoft .NET 4.8 The free download for Microsoft .NET 4.8 is available here:

See here for more information on DataMart Client requirements: System Requirements and Supported Browsers

To ensure secure usage, the DataMart Client should only be installed on private computers and servers. Using the DataMart Client on a public computer (e.g. in a public library) is strongly discouraged.

If you are updating your DataMart Client to a new version, you must uninstall the previous version first. 

Uninstalling the DataMart Client

  1. Open your Start Menu and navigate to your Control Panel
  2. Click on Programs and Features
  3. Find "PMN DataMart Client" in the programs list and click on it to highlight it.
  4. Click the Uninstall button. If prompted to return to a previous state or remove the application, select remove.

Installing the DataMart Client

  1. Log into the Query Tool (Web Portal) for your PopMedNet network using your DataMart Administrator login credentials. These are the same credentials you created for yourself when you registered on the Web Portal page. The network Web Portals managed by HPHCI (see HPHCI Network Administration Practices) are listed below:

    1. If you do not have access to a web portal, or you have been asked to download the newest version of the DataMart client in preparation for an upcoming update to a query tool (web portal), download it hereDataMart Client Installer.  The newest version of the DMC is not always available from the resources section of each network portal as network participants are given time to install it before the portals are updated.

    1. PCORnethttps://querytool.pcornet.org/
    2. Sentinelhttps://querytool.sentinelsystem.org/
    3. HDC (Contains BBCIC, CASCADES-AD, CRN, Harmony, HCSRNnet, IMEDs, NDI+, NIH Collab - Dimentia, NIH Collab DRN, Privacy Preserving Methods, Shingrix, and UCB)https://querytool.healthdatacollaboration.net

  2. Navigate to the Resources page.  
  3. Click the Download the DataMart Client link to download the DataMart Client installer. 

  4. When the download is complete, launch the installer and follow the onscreen installation instructions. Starting with version 6.0 of the DataMart Client, the Access Database Engine files will not be included in the download by default.  However, in order to run some requests, such as Summary Table requests, 64-bit Microsoft Access Drivers 2010+ are required.  You can download the drivers here: https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=13255

  5. Once the installation has completed, you can open the DataMart Client application.

If installing the DataMart Client on Windows Server, you may encounter the following error, "Downloading failed with HRESULT=-2146697208".

  • The problem is likely to be caused by the 'Enhanced Security' option for Internet Explorer.
  • Turning Enhanced Security off and running the installer as the computer administrator will allow it to run properly.
  • Enhanced Security can be turned back on after the installation. This is the only time the default security settings need to be changed.

Resources Page