Cadence Workflow

Whenever a new feature (epic, story or bug) will require a new SVN feature branch to be created, a card must be created in the Cadence Jira project. In addition, a test plan must also be written and the test must be executed before the feature and the cadence card can move from QA status to UAT status.


Three related Jira projects and boards work in concert in the cadence workflow:

PMNDEVDPM Sprint Board

We use the backlog board (and occasionally the active sprint board) to run the current sprint as well as plan future sprints.

We try to plan three sprints ahead (the sprint being planned has an asterisk to mark it).

Generally, stories and bugs are scored. Other issue types are not.

Features and improvements are stories that can be scored but has no workflow. They have to be converted to stories before development starts.


DPM Sprint Board


PMNQA Kanban

QA tests are scored and planned on the same board as development. Tests are cloned from test plans.

QA test plans are created in this backlog. Test plans live forever unless obsoleted.

Can be used to move tests through the test workflow.


CAD Kanban

CAD Board

Show active features, ready for or undergoing development.

Unapproved features live in the backlog and can only be seen on this board.


Cadence ColumnTriggerActionRole
Backlog (Hidden)When PMNDEV feature requirements are written.

Create CAD card in CAD backlog.

Create task in PMNDEV to write test plan in PMNQA.

Software Manager


When PMNDEV feature is funded and approved.

Move CAD card to OPEN. Schedule feature.

Software Manager

Feature in DevWhen PMNDEV feature is in current sprint.Create feature branch. Start coding.Developer
Code Complete

When PMNDEV feature is resolved.


QA should constantly groom this column ensure that it does not grow too long (less than 5 items).


QA Lead

Pending MergeWhen QA lead and HPHCI selects PMNDEV feature for next release.Move CAD card to PENDING MERGE - assign to a developer.QA Lead
Merged/In QAWhen dev merges selected feature branches into trunk.

Move CAD card to Merged/In QA.

Move PMNDEV feature to QA - assign to tester. (See QA page on the QA process.) Ensure all issues for the feature have fixVersion associated with the trunk.


QA Lead

In UATWhen PMNDEV feature is in UAT.Move CAD card to UAT. Deploy to PMNUAT.QA Lead
Pending ReleaseWhen PMNDEV feature is closed.Move CAD card from UAT to pending release.QA Lead
ReleasedWhen PMNDEV feature is deployed.MSP deploys to production. Move CAD card to Released.  (Move CAD card to Released when MSP deployed one network to Production. No need to wait for 3 networks to be deployed)QA Lead

Trunk is always the latest fixRelease.

So the moment trunk is branched to a release, it becomes the upcoming release.

All feature branches merged into trunk should have fixVersion updated to trunk release.

All development in feature branches has no fixversion.


PMNDEV-6708 - Getting issue details... STATUS