Setting Up PMN URLs

Some URLs to be configured in a new PMN instance.


  1. Update web.config settings:

    1. ResetPasswordUrl

    2. Smtp settings - the "from" value

    3. Activities.Url (task order service)

    4. LookupLists.Url (code lookup lists update service)

    5. Redirect url in the https rewrite rule

  2. Update mini-sentinel theme, or create new sentinel theme based on current (requires Dev)

    1. Update theme setting in web.config if new theme

    2.  * The theme logo has already been updated to be just Sentinel

  3. Name and Url in the Networks table of the database for the appropriate entry


  1. Update web.config settings:

    1. SsoUrl

    2. CurrentTheme - only if changing to a new theme

    3. ContactUsEmail - only if changed from ""

    4. NotificationSubjectLine

    5. NetworkMessageSubjectLine

    6. NetworkMessageSignoffFrom

    7. ServiceUrl

    8. Redirect url in the https rewrite rule