Configure Covid DataMarts

This article was created to demonstrate how to ensure you have access to the newer Covid Datamart. It will also provide information on how to configure the new Datamart.

If the new Covid Datamart does not appear in your Datamart client please follow the instructions below.


  1. Open Settings

2. In the DataMart Client - Network List pop up click Edit after selecting the network you would like to make changes to. In this case it should just be for Sentinel.

3. If the Covid datamart does not appear in the DataMart list of the Network Settings pop up please click the test button and wait to ensure the test connection was successful.

4. Please wait for the Connection Successful pop up to appear.

5. The new Covid datamart should now appear

6. Configure the DataMart by Clicking Edit

7. In the DataMart Settings pop up make sure to uncheck Enable Response Caching and then click Edit

8. In the Model Settings pop up you can click OK and then click Apply and close out all the other pop ups to finish configuring the DataMart

9. Make sure to Click OK when closing out the Network Settings pop up