How to delete packages and update a request

These instructions will guide the user through the process of deleting and uploading a package/file in the PMN Query Tool.

  • Wrong Package/file was attached to draft request

  • Wrong Package/file was sent to Data Partner


Wrong file was attached to the draft request:

  1. Log into the PMN Query Tool

  2. Navigate to the Document Tab

    1. Click on the file

    2. Click the “Delete Current Revision” button that appears.

    3. File will be deleted from system

      Document Tab
  3. Navigate to the “Task: New Request” tab and attach the correct file (Note: even though the previous file name may appear there, the deleted file will not be sent out to the data partners).

    1. Click on the “Select Files” button

    2. From the browser window - select the file you want attach

    3. Select the “Upload” button to attach the file

      Upload New Attachment


Wrong file was sent to Data Partners (dps):

  1. Log into the PMN Query Tool

  2. Navigate to the Document Tab

    1. Click on the file

    2. Click the “Delete Current Revision” button that appears.

    3. File will be deleted from system

  3. Navigate to the “Attachment Section” of the Document Tab

    1. Click on “New Attachment” button

    2. Click on “Select File”

    3. From the browser window- select the file you wish to upload

    4. Click on the “Upload” button to attach the file


    5. If the wrong file is selected follow steps above “Wrong file was attached to the draft request:” to delete the file and upload a new one.

  4. Email the Data Partners to inform them of any changes to the packages that have been attached to a request to ensure they are using the most up-to-date package.

    1. Data Partners View - Package Retrieval

      1. Usually the data partner would navigate to the “Request Detail” tab to retrieve the package


      2. When a new package is uploaded using the “New Attachment” button the package will appear on the “Overview” Tab