2021.1 Release FAQs

he This document is intended to provide troubleshooting assistance for common issues that may arise during the new installation of the 2021.1 Release and required DataMart Client (DMC) upgrade.

1. Installation

How do I install and configure the DataMart Client?

Use the following link to access the 2021.1 DataMart Client installer. https://popmednet.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/DOC/pages/34635856

Here are instructions for the 2021.1 DataMart Client installation.

Use the following link to find detailed instructions on configuring the DataMart Client.



What software is supported by PopMedNet (PMN) 2021.1?

PMN supports Microsoft .NET 4.8 and a database containing the data necessary to queries (Postgres 9.5 and 9.6, Oracle 12 and 18, SQL 2014 and 2016).  If your DataMart will be connected to a Microsoft Access database, the 64 bit Microsoft Access Database Engine 2010+ may be required.


What version of Microsoft .NET do I need to install?

Users need to have Microsoft .NET 4.8 installed prior to installing the new 2021.1 DataMart Client.


2. 2021.1 PMN Query Tool and DataMart Client - What’s New?

Refer to this link for information about what’s new in this release version. https://popmednet.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/PMNSUPPORT/pages/2279964692/2021.1+Release+-+What+s+New

3. Error Messages

Error message: “Another version of this product is already installed”

Uninstall current version of the DataMart and then install the new 2021.1 DataMart Client.

Find the 2021.1 DMC Installer file downloaded from PopMedNet here:


Error Message: “The configuration settings for Menu Driven Query have not been completed”

Use the following link to find instructions on how to configure the new DMC:


Error Message: “Unexpected Error,” Error Object Not found

This can be corrected by clearing the Adapter Package and rerunning it. Find the instructions here:  https://popmednet.atlassian.net/jira/servicedesk/projects/PMNSUPPORT/knowledge/articles/643530754


4. Unable to run a query

  1. Validate that your password is still active in the Query Tool.  

    1. Attempt to log into the Query Portal and it will prompt you to reset password if your password is expired.

    2. From the login page, use the Forgot Password? to rest your password if you have forgotten it.

2. Check if the database name is in ALL CAPS see (Figure 1)

3. Check the Common Data Tables to see they are in ALL CAPS see (Figure 2).

 Figure 1:

Figure 2:


5. Issue Accessing Request or Results

If you are having any issues accessing requests or results in the Query Tool or DataMart Client, you can take the following steps to resolve the issues.

  1. Clear your browser cache and attempt to access the request/results set again.

    1. Go to: Chrome > History >Clear Browsing Data>

    2. Select Basic:

    3. Browsing History

    4. Cookies and other site data

    5. Cached images and files

      ** Do not select Passwords and other sign-in data

  2. Clear the packages from the DataMart Client. These are pieces of software that allow the DataMart Client to execute a request. They are re-loaded each the time the DMC is re-started; deleting them will not impact requests in any way.

    1. Click "About" in the bottom right corner of the DMC

    2. Click "Packages" - a window labeled "Delete Adapter Processor Packages" appears

    3. Select all packages

    4. Click “delete packages”

    5. Restart the DataMart Client

3. If you still experience issues in the DataMart Client after clearing your browser cache and deleting packages, please download the newest version of the DataMart Client from the resources page of the query tool.

6. Issue Downloading Query File

Error Message:

Distributor Network Solution - Unable to process request

The Configuration settings for the QE file Distribution have not been completed.

If you are having any issues downloading query you may need to configure the model settings. To do so please follow these directions:

Editing Model Settings in DataMart Client


Additional help information can be found in the Knowledge Base articles.