Archive - Data Mismatch Error When Executing a Summary Table Query in the DataMart Client

This issue is caused by using a 32-bit version of Microsoft Office with a 64-bit version of Windows.


  1. Run a summary table query in the DataMart client
  2. The following error appears:


Multiple solutions may resolve this issue

  1. Check your Datamart settings. Ensure you are connecting directly to an Access database via an ODBC connection and are not connecting to an SQL database via an ODBC connection
  2. Ensure all columns in all tables in your Summary Table Access database are configured correctly
    1. Insert specs here
    2. You can also troubleshoot this by manually running the SQL query in Access and commenting out sections of the query until you identify the section that causes the error message. The section will indicate the table and columns which need to be have their data type changed.